Festival of Rulings - A meeting of all factions. Outsiders can join peacefully thanks to the sacred decree, and cats will trade items such as prey, food, tools, and supplies between eachother. The colonies have always been peaceful with eachother, and will openly mingle and play with eachother during this festival.
Eclipse - Nightmares won't come out while the sun is hidden- even if the sun is gone, cats can still leave during the 'day'. It's likely the first time some cats will have been out during the day, while older cats will be glad to go out during the day once more, even for a short time.
Blood Moon - Many cats will believe a blood moon to be a bad omen, and either through self fulfilling prophecy or actual bad luck, cats will suffer minor misfortunes. Some cats may choose to pray for forgiveness from the gods, stay inside, or just try and ignore it.
Festival of Fire - Spring exclusive. Cats celebrate the Lynx, creating a bonfire in the middle of the settlement and feasting on food. Kits will be made trainees early during this festival, and some use this festival as a celebration of winter ending and food becoming more plentiful.
Aurora - Spring exclusive. Spirits dancing across the sky, magic leaking into the sky; The colonies don't really know what's happening, but they think its pretty!
Festival of Labour - Summer exclusive. Cats celebrate the Bear, using the first half of the day to work hard on anything that they need to get done- chores that have been put off, repairs to lodgings and nest, etc. After noon (or midnight), cats celebrate the work they've done over the past year, lounging and relaxing the rest of the day away.
Fireflies - Summer exclusive. Cats know what they are, and appreciate their beauty. Some cats try and catch them, using them in lanterns with moss and water to try and create lanterns.
Festival of Hearts - Fall exclusive. Cats celebrate the Squirrel, preparing prey meat to be preserved for winter and using the leftover organs for meals. The Squirrel rules over rebirth too, so cats often will confess to one another or give kits special treatment during this festival.
Comet Shower - Fall exclusive. The colonies have several stories about what's happening, and no one can really agree. Either the stars are falling, spirits are racing across the sky, the gods are moving where the stars are within the sky- it's anyone's guess, really.
Festival of the Artisan - Winter exclusive. Cats celebrate the Otter, crafting tools for the entire colony to use, apologizing and making amends to cats they've wronged, and letting the healers boss them around to collect herbs in the winter snow. The Otter is, infamously, a trickster and playful god, so more mischievous cats use this festival as an excuse to pull pranks and jokes on eachother.
Light pillars - Winter exclusive. Cats have never seen these before, and aren't sure what to make of them. Generally, they're in awe and think they're beautiful, but some think something is wrong and that they're unnatural.